The hackathon is wonderful because it is engaging, it enhances employee competencies, they work in teams and can apply their knowledge immediately in their work. For me, the hackathon is also important as a milestone on the path of Digital Transformation (DT). We do not see this path in detail; we adjust it along the way, sothe milestones help us better understand the direction of movement.
Прошли с сотрудниками комплекс мероприятий - Вебинар + Хакатон. На старте была проблема - низкая вовлеченность сотрудников в использовании ИИ в работе. На Хакатоне разбились на команды, в каждой представители бизнеса и айтишники. Прослушали теорию, после этого изменилось восприятие инструмента участниками; нагенерировали идей. Во время практической части вовлеченность всех участников возросла. Нашей целью было получить рабочий прототип или проверенную гипотезу. Из семи идей предложенных командами, две были реализованы и встроены в работу компании и ещё 2-ве идеи находяться в разработке. Очень рады что прошли такое мероприятие, всем советую.
Президент по цифровой трансформации
One of the principles of our company is to attract top-class professionals and specialists in every area where we lack our own competencies. When we had the idea of creating an AI sommelier, we already had a few specialists in mind who had demonstrated their expertise at conferences and in the IT directors' club. Dmitry stood out immediately with his high level of expertise and deep immersion in the topic. His involvement not only ensured the successful development of our project, but was also accompanied by internal training sessions for our team, which allowed them to enhance their competencies in the field of AI and digital technologies. Dmitry's proactivity, enthusiasm, and engagement allowed us to implement the project in the shortest possible time, minimally involving our own resources. We completed the first pilot project and created an MVP of our product. After the launch, we have already outlined the next stage of development and will certainly continue working with the Gureev.Pro team to improve our AI sommelier.
Director of Information Technology at Abrau-Dyurso
We conducted a series of events with employees - a Webinar and a Hackathon. Initially, we had an issue with low employee engagement in using AI at work. During the Hackathon, we divided into teams, each consisting of business representatives and IT specialists. We listened to the theory, which changed the participants' perception of the tool, and generated ideas. During the practical part, everyone's engagement increased. Our goal was to get a working prototype or a validated hypothesis. Out of the seven ideas proposed by the teams, two were implemented and integrated into the company's operations, and two more ideas are currently in development. We are very pleased to have participated in such an event and highly recommend it to everyone.
President of Digital Transformation
FSK Group
Finding growth points with AI is not similar to classic IT automation tasks. Most people are still not very familiar with the specific capabilities of AI. The field itself is quite mythologized, which often prevents experts from correctly determining what exactly should be delegated to neural networks. The intensive training is very helpful in making a qualitative step in this direction. In a couple of days, cautious skepticism turns into a working tool. Often during project presentations, teams reveal that the machine's intelligence exceeded their initial expectations, they just need to learn how to harness it. The project portfolio often gets enriched with completely unexpected ideas that were not evident before the Intensive course.
Director of IT and Technological Innovations at Skolkovo School of Management
Thank you very much for two incredibly productive and extremely interesting days. At the start, we had ideas, and at the end, we had AI-based services that we are already using in our business. Fantastic! And most importantly, we gained not only the skills to create AI services but also the desire to create them. And it was fun too! I am confident that this hackathon will be beneficial to every business, regardless of the industry!